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IL-2 Great Battles Series – Aktualizace 5.107

Už o tom nahlas šuškali i vrabci na střeše. A dnes k večeru se to stalo. Je venku aktualizace IL-2 Great Battles Series s pořadovým číslem 5.107. A zde jsou hlavní novinky. Do Flying Circus Vol.III jsou zde dva dvouplošníky. Hanriot HD.1 a Nieuport 17 GBR. Období z 2. světové války můžete po zaplacení doplnit o sovětskou stíhačku La-5F series 38 a nebo o novou historickou statickou kampan od Jaegermeistera „Overlord“. Celý seznam je zde (v angličtině):

Hanriot HD.1 airplane is available in Early Access for all owners of „Flying Circus Vol. III“;
Nieuport 17 GBR (British) airplane is available in Early Access for all owners of „Flying Circus Vol. III“;
Soviet Collector Plane La-5F series 38 has been released;
A new historical campaign „Overlord“ has been released (American fighter pilot of the 354th Group flying a P-51B Mustang in June-August 1944);
Normandy and Rheinland Career Mode: the number of German fighters has been reduced to be more historically accurate;
Career Mode: updated templates for night bombing and transport missions, added searchlight beacons, friend-or-foe identification, night fighters, and pathfinder aircraft;
Normandy Career Mode: in phases 1 to 3 Allied escort fighters will appear over the airfield when starting a mission on the ground and a kilometer behind the player when starting the mission in the air;
Tank Crew: the commander menu of the player-controllable tanks has a new option for selecting the ammo depending on the target type;
AQMB: British C-47 missions added;
Force Feedback: the effect of flight stick movement by the weight of the control surfaces has been added to Nieuport 11, Nieuport 17, Albatros D.2, Sopwith Triplane, and Halberstadt;
Dogfight: to make spying on the other team’s actions harder, the coalition selection (and therefore the penalty in case of a coalition change) applies immediately when selecting a spawn point, not after the first flight;
Multiplayer: fixed a problem with the incorrect color of selected tactical code symbols;
Rheinland: fixed incorrect water reflections of trees growing on steep slopes;
Nieuport 11 and Nieuport 17: fixed a problem with the engine overcooling too fast;
La-5 ser.8 FM updated based on La-5FN and La-5F research;
La-5 ser.8 and LaGG-3: bomb release is set to two at a time (previously it was one at a time), bomb release safety lever corrected (it is set to „ПО“ position with no bombs and „ПЗ“ position when carrying bombs), bomb release button sound added;
Li-2: compass and autopilot direction indicator have been corrected to eliminate a small deviation in readings;
Li-2: fluorescent instrument illumination has been adjusted;
Li-2: pilot’s death and capture after bailing out over enemy territory are counted correctly;
Li-2: RPK radio compass shows relative radio station bearing correctly;
Albatros D.2: the look of the bolts on the machine gun sights improved;
Spitfire Mk.IXe: Mid-1944 skin rondels reflect the light correctly;
Stalingrad Career Mode: armored gunboats now move in the artillery spotting missions;
Career Mode: fixed taxiing at Mozhaisk airfield in Moscow region and Winkton airfield in Normandy;
A memory leak bug that might have caused the mission editor to crash randomly when using high-resolution monitors (2K-4K) has been found and fixed.

Za mě dobrý. Kariéra by mohla být opět o kousek zajímavější a pestřejší. Uvidíme. Další obsah je o placení. A to už jsem zde psal několikrát. Dokud nepadne verdikt, co bude dál s IL-2 Great Battles Series, moje penízky se budou těšit na jiné věci.

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