Můžeme otevřít šampaňské a slavit! Game Update 4.701 je tady a přináší nám zásadní vylepšení mraků a celkové přepracování současné oblačnosti. Co vše nám tato nová technologie přináší?
Increased variety of cloud cover – A new level of scale of cloud formations – Higher level (macro level) of cloud structures – Greater realism of structures and forms of cloud formations – Improved lighting model of clouds, and objects under and in the clouds – Diverse structure of overcast clouds (including „windows“ and cloudless areas) – Localization of precipitation under significant cloud formations and, as a consequence, localization of precipitation on the map – New visualization of precipitation at a distance – New rainfall lighting model – Lack of repeatability of the cloud distribution map on the scale of the game map – Reduced number of „compromise“ solutions such as „object outlines“ „mountain intersection aliasing“, etc. – Increased performance of the graphics subsystem
Han – Project manager

Co by mohlo trochu zlobit jsou mise a kampaně. Formát misí byl pozměněn, takže je potřeba mise (kampaně) znovu uložit pomocí editoru nebo nástroje Mission Re-saver. Tak uvidíme, jak se toho autoři kampaní zhostí. Posuneme se od „mráčků“ 😀 dál. Zde je celý seznam změn:
Main features
- DFW C.V airplane is now available for all customers who pre-ordered Flying Circus Vol. II;
- The new hypertexturing cloud technology added to the sim;
- Yak-1b fighter has external 4K texturing done by Martin = ICDP = Catney;
- Visual shot effect improved for all guns in the game;
- New fuel tank explosion visual effects created: different for WWI and WWII era aircraft and for ground and in-flight explosions;
- Wind direction can be chosen in Quick Mission;
- Morning/evening fog can now be selected with any weather subtype in Quick Mission;
- Precipitation strength can now be set separately from the cloud type in Quick Mission;
- Cloud types have informative names in the Quick Mission weather panel;
- Fw 190 A3, A5 and A6 aircraft paint schemes updated (Martin = ICDP = Catney);
- P-39L paint schemes updated (Martin = ICDP = Catney);
… jde jen o nejdůležitější. Kompletní popis novinek je zde. Tak hurá! Jde se stahovat a testovat!