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Developer Diary 351

Minulý týden byl Developer Diary s číslem 350 především o první válce. Několik poznámek proběhlo o nových misích v kariéře (za to jsem fakt rád), ale jinak hadraplány. Ani dnešní deník není nic zásadního. Nicméně je zde vítaná a nečekaná novinka. Ta by se měla dostat i do aktualizace 5.107, která by mohla spatřit světlo světa příští týden. Jde o historickou kampaň od jednoho z nejlepších tvůrců statických kampaní Jamese =Jaegermeister= Yarbrougha s titulem Operation Overlord. Takže druhoválečníci budou moct utratit svoje finance, jak za kampaň, tak i za novinku v podání La-5F. Z mojí kapsy prozatím nic. Až rok 2024 ukáže, kam se bude investovat. Zde je citace autora kamapně Jaegermeistera:

The 354th Fighter Group, commonly referred to as the „Pioneer Mustang Group,“ was the first USAAF unit to be equipped with the new P-51B/C Mustang during WWII and to see combat in Europe. They flew long-range escort missions over the English Channel with the 8th Air Force’s heavy bombers in the months leading up to D-Day. As final preparations were made for the invasion of Normandy, the 354th Fighter Group was reassigned to the IX Tactical Air Command and committed to direct support of the ground troops going ashore. The 354th flew escort for C-47s dropping paratroopers and towing gliders on D-Day.
Your role in this campaign begins as a replacement pilot arriving with the 354th Fighter Group on D-Day and assigned to the 356th “Red Ass” Squadron under the command of Major Richard Turner. In mid-June 1944 the Pioneer Mustangs flew strike missions across the English Channel from ALG Lashenden during the first V-1 rocket attacks on London and were directly in the path of the “Doodlebugs” as they headed towards their intended targets. They moved to ALG-2 at Criqueville in late June where they flew ground attack, search and rescue, fighter-bomber escort, and fighter sweep missions during all the major battles of Operation Overlord. After the Allied breakout at Saint-Lô, the 354th FG was reassigned to the new XIX Tactical Air Command and moved east with Patton’s 3rd US Army through Paris and eventually into Germany. Due to the hectic flight schedule and squadron reorganization, you will move up from wingman to element leader and finish the campaign as a flight leader.
James =Jaegermeister= Yarbrough

Co se jinak děje okolo mojí osoby a IL-2 Great Battles Series? Jak jste si určitě mohli všimnout, rozjel jsem nově kariéru, tentokrát za I./JG 52. Popis jsem pojal opět podobně jako minulou, krátkou kariéru a sepisuji každodenní akce jako bych si psal svůj vlastní deník. Snad Vás to bude bavit, jako to baví mě, když to vytvářím. Vše nastaveno na realismus, tak doufám, že to nebude krátklé psaní 😀 .

Source: Air Combat Command

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