Přiznávám se, že nemám vůbec náladu na jakékoliv psaní. Asi všichni tušíte proč. Takže jen ve zkratce. Zde je citace od Jasona.
Dear Friends,
Jason Williams
Once again, we are reminded that real-life is much more important than a video game or flight simulation. We pray for the safety and well-being of all our friends, family and associates no matter where they are during this difficult time. We are an international team and an apolitical organization and we wish to remain so. We ask that you help us keep our forum and other properties civil as world events unfold. We are operating as usual; development continues and we expect to continue to do so.
Celý Developer Diary je zde. Všem přeji klid a pohodu. A pokud to je možné, tak jí posílámlidem, kteří dnes trpí ve svých domovech, tam na východě, na Ukrajině. Držte se!